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Swiss Ball Ab Exercise
The Swiss Ball Ab Exercise

See muscles involved

Primary Muscles Involved
Abdominals, Hip Flexors

While lying on your back and holding the swiss ball in your hands with your arms extended, lower the ball until it is about 10 inches (25 cm) above the floor. Also, make sure that your feet are not touching the floor (Starting Position). Smoothly raise your arms and legs simultaneously until you can hold the ball between your ankles with your legs (Position 2). Take the ball between your ankles and smoothly lower your arms and legs simultaneously until they are about 10 inches off the floor (Position 3). Smoothly raise the arms and legs until you can take the ball with your hands (Position 4). Take the ball between your hands and simultaneously lower your arms and legs until they are about 10 inches above the floor with your hands holding the ball (Finishing Position).

Tips and Safety
Keep your arms and legs approximately straight throughout the exercise.
Keep your abdominals tight throughout the exercise to prevent hyperextending the spine.
Do not allow your arms, legs, or ball to touch the floor during the exercise.

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